The cog in your business engine.

Located in the energetic beachside hub of Cronulla in Sydney’s south, COG Marketing marketing agency performs as a powerful cog in your business engine. An established independent supplier of branding, marketing and business solutions to both a local and international client roster.

Our team is driven to ensure the survival, growth and performance is our core focus with all our initiatives we pursue for our partners. These take shape via the design and development of engaging experiences both online and offline. Here we’re invested in harnessing human emotion and channelling it through technology so we create mutually beneficial experiences between business, brand and customer.

We understand there is a clear difference between working on the business and in the business, often owning this challenge for the benefit of the businesses and brands we serve. We welcome new partnerships and look forward to solving new problems with dynamic forward-thinking solutions.

We simply ask ourselves will the solution we’re proposing build brand equity and develop a synergy with the business.

A crystal clear vision for the future.

Until all of us have made it, none of us have made it.

Australia is a land of opportunity intertwined with mateship and the fair-go ethos. We’re big on unity and collaboration – it’s ingrained into our approach. Believing that strong relationships deliver better results, pretty simple stuff. It’s these values that our team strides into our everyday seeking to do better than we did yesterday.

Ultimately we’re a serviced business. People rely on us because we know more about branding, marketing and technology than they do, and with our service, products and solutions together we should drive both social and economic prosperity together in partnership. When Australia’s business leaders become unified in this pursuit, and work towards a common goal of becoming more competitive, it will benefit us all. Surely we’ll become winners this way.

Connecting Brand to Business.

COG Marketing’s agency structure ensures we’re providing brand, marketing and technology solutions that are underpinned by true value. Deliberately putting the smartest people at the centre of our collective challenges, we’re focused on remaining efficient as change agents. We don’t jump on the trend of the day and migrate away from what works unless it’ll benefit the brand and businesses in the long term.

In most modern-day situations emotional response often comes first before any logical evaluation is processed. Thus a businesses brand is very important so it can lean on it when market forces push and pressurise the business. Brand is a critical tool to leverage in commercial trade, it’s why we’re focused on connecting brand to business. We know this as a sustainable approach to marketing that delivers time and money savings – the most fundamental equation.

We create something greater in businesses than just a job for owners and shareholders, we generate brand equity, goodwill and trust. There needs to be something special to earn this, things like an innovative blend of human creativity, nuance and and technology. 

Remaining competitive and efficient in typical business cycles is a journey more arduous without the integration of brand. Together we will find your true north, and in doing so connect your brand to your business. To win races you need the best cog in your engine.

Our job is to create more time for business owners.

We’re a marketing agency driven to provide value, this continues to remain a core part of our purpose. Simply because if we’re doing heavy lifting on tasks our clients have neither the skills, resources or time to complete – we’re useful. 

Delivering our dynamic marketing agency offer consists of transferring knowledge, advice and strategic processes that are purposefully built to make our clients more profitable, sustainable and enjoyable. Our service suite also includes the provisions of branding, design, digital marketing, business development and technology solutions, supported by our at-call Australian marketing team. 

Operating with autonomy will allow business owners more time for critical decision making, this is where COG Marketing enters the chat. Digital transformation, integrating automation solutions and streamlining workflows is how you get more time back in your days, weeks, months. 

Plug-in directly to our full service through-the-line platform to grow and scale.



Enjoy working life.

Culture is important. Ours has a lot to do with our Cronulla Beach location. You spend a ton of time with work people and COG Culture makes effort to frame a COG Career so it ideally extends beyond being just a job, and more so a professional pursuit providing an opportunity to learn, achieve personal growth and maturity in the relevant marketing discipline.

The positive energy that runs through COG Marketing is in large part due to the energetic, vibrant and positive people that drive our agency forward. Balance is key and as a marketing agency we’re super productive during office hours so we can get home to see family, friends, pets and pursuits

Our business leaders mentor the fresh faces, and importantly share the success of our wins. Though we can’t always win, business is rough and tumble. Our culture is also about hard work because it pays off. As corny as it sounds there’s no i in team, and at COG Marketing we’re a winning team season in and out.